ConferenCe Speakerphone SyStem
Crystal clear hands-free calling for the home or office.
If you’ve ever had the experience of trying to conduct way.Itcanevensaveyoumoneyfromhavingtopurchase
a business meeting using the speakerphone on today’s expensive phone conferencing equipment, since nearly
smartphones, poor quality, tiny speakers may have left everyone has a cell phone at the office.
you wondering just how smart the phone really is. ION’s
Call Center steps up the quality of your conference
calls by providing crystal-clear sound for virtually any
Get your hands on Call Center and be heard!
Using Call Center is a snap. Simply plug the included
cable into the headphone jack of your smartphone,
rest your phone in the included cradle and place a call
on your phone. You’ll be up and running in seconds
with conversations everyone in the room, and on the
call, can hear. Intelligent muting is included to prevent
feedback and background noise from interfering with
your conversation.
• Phone conference speaker syetem turns a
mobile phone into the perfect conference room
• Four built-in microphones capture speech from
all angles
• Intelligent muting during silences eliminates
distracting background noise
• Works with virtually any mobile phone’s
combination headphone/microphone jack
offices or anywhere else that you need to be heard, and
hear your conference without technology getting in the
• USB jack allows for charging of phone during use
For more information and product support visit:
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
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